TCC Episode 117: Is It Time To Dream a New Dream?

A few weeks ago, I was discussing with an old friend.

In the course of the convo, I asked her - "So what's next for you this year?"

You see, in the last 24 months, she had landed a significant promotion to VP.

> $350K base + all the bells and whistles. Probably $500+ in cash comp.

She sighed and said, "I really don't know. I don't know if there is anything I really want."

The more we discussed, she admitted that her current level far exceeded where she ever imagined she would be.

At 42, she was doing better than her parents ever did.

Her debts were paid off.

She owned her home.

She sent money home regularly.

She had a healthy emergency fund, savings, and investment account.

Was there anything left to work towards?

Are you in a similar place?

Where it seems like everything you ever wanted in your career and life has happened.

Catch this week's podcast episode where I discuss how to approach this season of your career.


At Intelle, our goal is to help women have the support and the strategies they need to make it all the way to the top in their careers. 

Connect with us. Follow us on Instagram here.

If you have a colleague or a friend who needs to hear this, please share this episode with them.

And remember…

You belong at the very top, and I cannot wait to see you there. 


The #1 Brand Pitfall for Women Aspiring to Senior Leadership


TCC Episode 116: The Power of Asking the Right Questions