TCC Episode 114: The Biggest Obstacle Keeping You from Your Next Major Promotion

"I can't land a promotion now, I just got one."

”Being VP will mean I have no work-life balance."

"I can't send a report showcasing my wins because it will seem braggy."

"I can't get a significant increase in my pay internally. I have to leave."

What do all these statements have in common?

They are just a small sample of limiting thoughts that keep so many women stuck in place.

In today's episode of the podcast, I discuss how our years of experience can actually be detrimental.

Being a seasoned expert can unfortunately result in rigid, limited ways of thinking.

Where you have developed certain familiar patterns of thought

And you take those thoughts as fact. As gospel truth.

In this short episode, I invite you to challenge your thoughts.

Ask critical questions.

Assume you are wrong or at least assume you don't have the whole picture

When you do this, the world opens up.

You become creative, resourceful, open and self aware.

And there, my friends, is where magic happens.

Take a listen. Hit me up and let me know what you think.


At Intelle, our goal is to help women have the support and the strategies they need to make it all the way to the top in their careers. 

Connect with us. Follow us on Instagram here.

If you have a colleague or a friend who needs to hear this, please share this episode with them.

And remember…

You belong at the very top, and I cannot wait to see you there. 


TCC Episode 115: Motherhood and Catapulted Career: Can I have both?


TCC Episode 113: Stop Pursuing Your Goals