TCC Episode 103. Why Taking Time Off or Switching Companies Will Not Fix The Issue

Recently, I was catching up with a woman in our network who I haven't talked with in a while.

She shared with me that she had left her previous company and taken a 6-month leave due to burnout.

She had since returned, landed a new role, and was now 30 days at the new company.

I asked her, "How are you feeling now? How is it going?"

She admitted, "Honestly, I am feeling the same feelings creeping back up again." The burnout was looming again even at the new company.

She was feeling a bit defeated because she thought if she could only take the time off and land something new...

And yet, even with a change in environment and people, nothing had really changed.

In this episode, I share with you why taking time off isn't the cure-all to burnout and discuss what is really at the root of burnout and how to address it.

At Intelle, our goal is to help women have the support and the strategies they need to make it all the way to the top in their careers. 

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If you have a colleague or a friend who needs to hear this, please share this episode with them.

And remember…

You belong at the very top, and I cannot wait to see you there. 


TCC Episode 104. "They went with someone with more industry experience..."


TCC Episode 102. Do this and become Unstoppable as a Female Leader